Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One, two, three, four...

4 November 2004

Five years. Has it really been that long? It feels like yesterday and forever. So much life in such a short time.

Time Passes. Tick-tock, Tick tock...

So wrote Dylan Thomas, after whom you are named. I wished you his genius if not his weakness. You have his charisma already, and his bombastic ways - you sing like a Welshman too! But I forgive you your faults, as I always will.

Strangely, I can't remember your birth, perhaps because it was so early in the morning. What I do recall is bringing you home. And your brothers sitting on the bed, looking but not touching, just as they were told - then gently, one at a time, holding your hand. They wanted you to wake, but you slept through it all: oblivious.

Oblivious too of the years of yearning, the three miscarriages, the nuchal scans, the waiting for results, the tests and more tests - and the waiting - always more waiting - until the final phone call. And when it came, the nurse asked if I was sitting down.

'All clear,' she said.

You see that's the thing about probability - it doesn't work in the real world. There is only one you and you were always perfect. Just like there's no probability or quantum for love: you either do or you don't; all or nothing, no half-measures. And every day you remind me of that simple, inexpressible, fact.

Happy birthday Dylan; it's the least and the most I can say.


  1. Happy Birthday little fella and well done mummy and daddy!

  2. Stunning Post!!

    Happy Birthday Dylan

    C x

  3. Oh, your post made me cry

    Happy Birthday Dylan

    (p,s. - I've got the writing bug now - it must be this course. I just can't stop and that's why I've not been around much; didn't want to get distracted)

  4. Beautiful blog, beautiful picture, beautiful boy! happy birthday Dylan.

  5. "Time Passes. Tick-tock, Tick tock..."

    A time and an age to treasure my friend.

  6. Thank you for all your comments; he (and we) had a lovely day.

    I am so lucky.
