The inside cover of my copy of The Moths of the British Isles - Volume One is an inscription which reads: A small memento for a great achievement. To Mark, August 77 - Mother. I could write a book about the subtleties contained in that sentence but for now, let's just agree it was a strange present for a sixteen year old boy who'd recently passed his O-levels. Even stranger is that I requested it.
My copy of Volume Two has a library stamp from my secondary school, which probably means I accidentally on purpose 'forgot' to return it - but then I doubt it was missed. After all, there are not many teenagers who care about the classifications of the larentiinae, ennominae and arctiinae families, let alone details of their lifecycle including illustrations of the ova, larval and pupal stages.
But such are the joys of the Wayside and Woodland series - they bridge the gap between hard academic books and more popular guides, satisfying the knowledge cravings of serious nature nerds - be they sixteen or sixty one (which at the time seemed ancient). Until recently many of the series were considered the definitive field guides, and still today the two volume Beetles is the most comprehensive pictorial reference available.
Wayside and Woodland books were published by Warne, who also produced the popular Observer's series that were a ubiquitous feature of Sixties and Seventies households. Much of the content of the Observer's nature titles is taken from their weightier cousins, and in a delicious irony, there is now even an Observer's Book of the Wayside and Woodland Series.
The reason, of course, is that they have become collectable - the rarest titles selling for hundreds of pounds, with value determined by condition, presence of a dust jacket... all that guff. For me, the value lies is in the content and occasionally in the past owners who have left their mark. I have a wonderful copy of Dragonflies that includes the detailed observation records of Lt. Col. Cowan and his correspondence with the book's author Cynthia Longfield (known in entomological circles as Madame Dragonfly).
I also have copies of, Trees, Freshwater Life, Butterflies, Blossoms (3 volumes), Birds (3 volumes) Caterpillars of British Moths (2 volumes) and Butterflies, Animals, Shell Life, The Seas... and my favourite Practical Entomology. I have more than these but not quite a full collection (Bees,Wasps and Ants is missing, as is Flies and Fungi and the elusive and over priced Beetles) not that it matters, I don't covet a full set so much as I like using them.
It's a pity the Wayside series was discontinued after Warne was bought by Penguin. The series had been in print for decades with the more popular titles subsidising obscurer interests and the whole forming a comprehensive guide to British wildlife. I don't think there is a mainstream publisher with an equivalent ambition and commitment today.

Thankfully, there are still many copies of the Wayside and Woodland Series available - and if you're not fussy about first editions and cover jackets there is a world of nature that can be enjoyed for only a few pounds. That copy my mother bought me when I was sixteen cost £6.95; you can probably get one on eBay for the same price - and that has to be a bargain.
I love the fact that you still use the books! To me that is what they are there for :-) C x
ReplyDeleteThat takes me back to my life as a public librarian, Mark. When I started work in 1973 we had multiple copies of most, if not all, of the Wayside and Woodland titles and they were well borrowed. I expect most of them will have been sold off by now.
ReplyDeleteWonderful Books that thrilled me as a child. Yes, they were in our very well stocked public library. Sadly, i think you are right Perpetua - long sold off (or more likely thrown out) to make space for "multi-media resources".
ReplyDeleteVery enjoyable article which has inspired me to look for copies to add to my own collection.
Dear Mike, great stuff. I am an avid collector of the Wayside and Woodland series and have just launched my own webite - - please take a look - be nice to hear from you, best Phil Block
ReplyDeleteHello again Mike, just read through your excellant article again. I have a copy of Madam Dragonfly an autobiography of Cynthia Longfield - the very famous Dragonfly "expert" - a great read. Anyway in my copy was a letter from her great niece - Jane Hayter-Hames (the author) to the publisher, asking whether they would consider publishing the book. regards Phil
DeleteThank you for the comments Phil - I will take a look at your website