Nature blogs

Throughout November 2011 I wrote a post every day to complete the challenge of the National Blog Posting Month (NABLOPOMO). Complicating matters I was also, at the time, completing the manuscript for my first book, which will be published in October 2012. I chose to write on a theme of nature, taking a broad interpretation of the term. The result was the most sustained series of blog posts I have written - the quality varies, but on the whole I was rather pleased with the outcome.

For a link to the entire series click here.

Links to the individual posts are :

Red Admiral
National Cycle Network
Musing on nature
Guides Britannica
Llangloffan Fen
Papillion de nuit
Mid Wales
What not to wear
Headlining at Haverfordwest
Sepia chapel
I'm not envious, I'm jealous
Berries, deadly and nice
Star party
Of birds and worms and other beasties
A running sky
Voices for nature
The emotional landscape
A sense of wonder
The world as it is
Save Bird's Marsh Wood
Welsh Bothies
Counting steps
How lives change
Julian Meredith and the importance of scale
Wayside and Woodland
Cwm Idwal
Nablopomo and the survival of the (not very) fittest